Robert Kennedy, with Man Over Beast slaps on the new RL-2 3 Pin Slider Bow Sight, NEW for Redline Bowhunting. See the details on the sight below!
RL-2 Three Pin Slider Bow Sight
The RL-2 Three pin slider bow sightwas built to offer functionality and maximum adjustability while still remaining sleek and stylish at just 10.2 ounces. Whether hiking the mountains out west for bugling elk or finding yourself 20 ft up in a tree during the rut the RL-2 was built for the weight conscious rugged hunter in mind.
Pin Configuration: 3 Pin
Weight: 10.2 oz
Axis Adjustments: Adjustable 2nd and 3rd axis
2 Upper - .019 & Lower - .010 Fiber Optic Pins
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